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 The allegations are that she purportedly “married” her own blood brother Mr. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009 to make him illegible for US citizenship

Congress woman with her family
An ethnic Somali Democratic Congresswoman who became the first Somali-American to be elected to the U.S. House has been embroiled in an immigration scandal that threatens her promising political career. 

Ilhan Omar, who contested in Minnesota’s liberal 5th District and won, has been dogged by conservatives who have raised questions about her past. The allegations are that she purportedly “married” her own blood brother Mr. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009 to make him illegible for US citizenship, an allegation that she is now fighting to stave off.
Certificate shows the pair were married in 2009

Omar has been married to Mr. Ahmed Hirsi since 2002 and together they have three children. The allegations have now taken a new turn after her controversial tweet that was seen to be anti-Semitic. 

Omar tweeted last Sunday night that American political leaders’ support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins,” a political firestorm broke out over the question of whether the tweet was anti-Semitic. Omar apologized on Monday under pressure from the House Democratic leadership, who issued a unified statement condemning her comments.

The congresswoman had earlier denounced claims that she married her brother Mr. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, and committed immigration fraud as “disgusting lies,” and says allegations of campaign finance violations are politically motivated.

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