Central bank of Kenya Governor Prof Njuguna Ndung’u
The Governor of the Centrak Bank of Kenya Prof Njuguna Ndung’u on Thursday last week briefed journalists on the actions the institution he heads was taking against forex speculators comprising mainly of large banks. Although the feeling on the ground was that this was a little too late.The Kenya Commercial Bank, Barclays Bank, Standard Chartered Bank,Citi Bank,CFC Bank and Commercial Bank of Africa are said to be the largest forex traders in the Kenyan market.However experts in financial matters we spoke to,are now questioning the timing of Prof. Njuguna Ndungus press briefing, bearing in mind that Mars Group Kenya the anti-corruption watchdog founder, Mwalimu Mati had just released his report which poked holes and questioned the whereabouts of Kshs 714 Billion Kenyan tax revenue which could not be accounted for in a "Ministerial Statement" the Minister for finance,Uhuru Kenyatta had released in Parliament as BUDGET. It is now emerging that it was meant to water down the report's impact on the Kenya people's mind. Kenyans are now wondering whether there is something deeper, that the Central Bank of Kenya and the Treasury do not want you to know.
To drive the point home, the Sunday newspapers in Kenya carried paid up advertisements discrediting the report by Mars Group. The advertisement was signed by a PR man, unlike in the recent past where everything coming out of the treasury had to be signed by Uhuru Kenyatta himself . Kenyans should also demand that this Ken Ren ghost must not be allowed to keep on swallowing their taxes each financial year.
This is what happens when you get one village running a national treasury.