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In her court papers, the woman claims that Itumbi deserted her after giving birth and has never provided any form of support despite the fact that he knew she was an orphan and had to quit her job before delivering the baby.

Dennis Itumbi

State House Digital Director Dennis Itumbi has been dragged to court by a woman who is claiming child support. The woman moved to court through lawyer Enricah Dulo claiming she had had intimate relationship with Dennis Itumbi between January and August 2018. Their relationship ended abruptly after she disclosed to Itumbi she was expecting his child.

 She said she tried to meet Itumbi to discuss child support but instead he sent a friend. He wants Itumbi to be compelled to provide his national ID for the child's birth certificate.

In her court papers, the woman claims that Itumbi deserted her after giving birth and has never provided any form of support despite the fact that he knew she was an orphan and had to quit her job before delivering the baby.

“She is seeking KSh 50,000 monthly subsistence allowance for the minor to cater for food, clothing, medicine, and house help salary, court papers say”

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