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 China's report said the United States posed once again as "the guardian of human rights" and a self-styled "human rights judge" while its own human rights record remained tarnished and showed continued deterioration.
The Chinese government has sensationally accused the government of the United States of America of serious infringement on citizens' civil rights, systematic racial discrimination, severe flaws in American-style democracy, widening rich-poor divide, and discrimination and assault against some specific groups such as women, children and people with disabilities, as well as its continued violations of human rights in other countries. The report is likely to rub the Donald Trump led administration the wrong way.

The report noted that on the evening of Oct. 1, 2017, almost 60 people were killed and more than 800 injured in a mass shooting in Las Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
The report pointed out that American women face obvious discrimination as well as serious threats of sex harassment and infringement, while the poverty, health and safety problems for children in the United States were worrisome. China's report said the United States posed once again as "the guardian of human rights" and a self-styled "human rights judge" while its own human rights record remained tarnished and showed continued deterioration.

This comes soon after the US State Department accused China, Iran, North Korea and Russia in its State Department’s yearly human rights report. Read the USA report here https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/us-report-criticizes-china-iran-north-korea-russia/4361144.html.
The US State Department accused the four countries of violating basic human rights, including freedom of expression and the protection of religious and ethnic minorities.
Acting Secretary of State John Sullivan wrote an introduction to the report. It said the four countries “violate the human rights of those within their borders on a daily basis.”

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